Handy Stuff!

HCAutos Dealer Login
Dealer INFO Sheets:

Lay out your vehicles the way you want them in our print publication with these handy printable pdf forms:

Three Column

Two Column


Next Issue's Ad Deadline : April 4, 2025, 6:01 pm


Ad Dimensions

Have your own graphics people making your ads? Make sure they are sized right for full effect in our magazine.

Full Page: 7.375 w x 9.6875 h
Half: 7.375 w x 4.8125 h

Ad spec PDF

Need some assistance?

Ric Kolseth does our
typesetting, graphics,
and web work. Email your photos and ad info to him; he'll be glad to help.

Why Advertise with HCAutos ? ^up

cover dealer

Our Web and Print Magazine work together for you!

Simply put, "Because it works!" In today's fast paced world, some things still do the job. Nothing beats the feel of a real, live magazine. You can stick it in your pocket, toss it beside you in the car, and after the next issue comes out, start your barbeque with it. Try that with your computer!

Seriously: HCAutos (originally AutoShowroom), has been around for more than a decade. We've moved with the times and now have a great new website to serve you even better.

cover dealer

Bigger is not neccessarily better. Sometimes it's just big.

Yes, there are larger, nationally known auto sites, and you certainly have to option to pay their high rates to advertise with them. But how often do you sell a car to someone in Oregon?

cover dealer

Our website is newly revamped, but not new. HCAutos is well established in the search engines. Of course, it just might happen that a wealthy tycoon in Japan might see your Ford Mustang, and that's OK, too!

Local means responsive and accessible.

cover dealer

HCAutos is a familiar sight on magazine racks and coffee tables in the Tri-State area: NC, Virginia and Tennessee. If people want to buy a car, how far will they drive to do that? To our way of thinking, a local focus is a major plus for us and you!

Designed to work for you, the way you like.

We've designed our site to be used by real people, not programmers. Our user-friendly back end lets you add, remove and update your listings with just a few clicks.

New Site Features!

There are contact forms built into your dealers pages, that are activated when you give us an email address in your dealer information. Your Control Panel lets you see the activity from these forms, so you can check if you're getting the info. Contact us to set up your account!

  • It's searchable!
    If you've got a Mitsubishi for sale, your Mistubishi will come up when they search for it on our site!
  • It's eye catching!
    Your HCAutos dealer header is featured on your listing pages so visitors get a visual "hit" of your book ad to help them remember you. The impact of your advertising is multiplied.
  • It's under your control.
    Member dealers can log in at any time to change out cars, change prices and correct mistakes.
  • Show off that nice interior!
    On our website, you're not limited to one picture. Member dealers can add up to six additional photos of each listing to show off it's best sides. Pictures are easy to add and delete, thanks to our custom database.
  • It's locally grown.
    Our webguy is reachable; if you have a problem, contact us here; also, his link is at the bottom of every page: send him an email. If you'd like something special, tell him about it, and he'll see what can be done. We're all about making your lives easier.
cover dealer

Your Options. Options are good. ^up

Listings on Book and Web

Our best value. Combines old and new technologies to maximize the impact of your ad.

We are nothing if not flexible. We can come by each issue to take photos and get your information, and add it to our online database every three weeks.

Or, you can do it yourself by logging in with your dealership's id and custom password. You can show as many vehicles on our site as you want, and mark the cars you want to appear on the book. Our database will show us those cars at press time, and we can get that info without interfering with your daily routine.

With great power comes great responsibility.

We publish what you give us; the print publication is on a tight deadline, so make sure your listings are accurate, and your caps lock key isn't stuck (no one likes shouting ;)

Display Ads for your business.

We design a large custom ad for you that can stay on the web 24/7, with banners available on the home and search pages.

Special rates available for a limited number of spaces in our print publications.

Call us: 828.406.3620 or use our contact page to get more information.

Book Only

We'll be happy to come by and snap your pictures the good old-fashioned way. Give us a call at 828.406.3620 or use our contact page.

Download a pdf of our Dealer INFOSheet. Our book is laid out in three and two columns, and our info sheet is too, so you can give us a clear picture of what you want.

